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- 会员年限:16年
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- 地址:深圳市福田区彩田路彩虹新都大厦彩荟阁7A室
- 传真:0755-23956688
- E-mail:Lee@zlxele.com
046601.5NR 表面贴装式保险丝 Littelfuse
46 mOhms
63 VDC
63 VAC
1206 (3216 metric)
表面贴装式保险丝 63V 1.5A VFA Slimline
The 466 046601.5NR Series Fast-Acting Surface Mount Fuse (SMF) is a small (1206 size) thin-film device designed for secondary protection of circuits used in space constrained applications such as hand-held portable electronic devices. This series is 100% lead-free and meets the requirements of the RoHS directive. New Halogen-Free 466 Series fuses are available to order using the “HF” suffix. See Part Numbering section for additional information.
• Product is compatible with lead-free solders and higher temperature profiles
• Product is marked on top surface with code to allow amperage rating identification without testing
• Low profile for height sensitive applications
• Flat top surface for pickand-place operations
• Element-covering material is resistant to industry standard cleaning operations
• Lead-free, Halogen-free and RoHS compliant
046601.5NR Applications
Secondary protection for space constrained applications:
• Cell phones
• Battery packs
• Digital cameras
• DVD players
• Hard disk drives
Reflow Condition Pb – free assembly
Pre Heat
- Temperature Min (Ts(min)) 150°C
- Temperature Max (Ts(max)) 200°C
- Time (Min to Max) (ts) 60 – 180 seconds
Average Ramp-up Rate (Liquidus Temp (TL) to peak) 5°C/second max.
TS(max) to TL - Ramp-up Rate 5°C/second max.
- Temperature (TL) (Liquidus) 217°C
- Temperature (tL) 60 – 150 seconds
Peak Temperature (TP) 260+0/-5 °C
Time within 5°C of actual peak Temperature (tp) 20 – 40 seconds
Ramp-down Rate 5°C/second max.
Time 25°C to peak Temperature (TP) 8 minutes max.
Do not exceed 260°C