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MC33272ADR2G 运算放大器 ON
2 mV
24 MHz
800 nA
10 V/us
Single Supply, High Slew Rate, Low Input Offset Voltage Operational Amplifiers
运算放大器 - 运放 3-36V Dual Low Noise Low VIO Ind. Temp
The MC33272ADR2G MC33272/74 series of monolithic operational amplifiers are quality fabricated with innovative Bipolar design concepts. This dual and quad operational amplifier series incorporates Bipolar inputs along with a patented Zip−R−Trim element for input offset voltage reduction. The MC33272ADR2G MC33272/74 series of operational amplifiers exhibits low input offset voltage and high gain bandwidth product. Dual−doublet frequency compensation is used to increase the slew rate while maintaining low input noise characteristics. Its all NPN output stage exhibits no deadband crossover distortion, large output voltage swing, and an excellent phase and gain margin. It also provides a low open loop high frequency output impedance with symmetrical source and sink AC frequency performance.
MC33272ADR2G Features
• Input Offset Voltage Trimmed to 100 V (Typ)
• Low Input Bias Current: 300 nA
• Low Input Offset Current: 3.0 nA
• High Input Resistance: 16 M
• Low Noise: 18 nV/ √ Hz @ 1.0 kHz
• High Gain Bandwidth Product: 24 MHz @ 100 kHz
• High Slew Rate: 10 V/s
• Power Bandwidth: 160 kHz
• Excellent Frequency Stability
• Unity Gain Stable: w/Capacitance Loads to 500 pF
• Large Output Voltage Swing: +14.1 V/ −14.6 V
• Low Total Harmonic Distortion: 0.003%
• Power Supply Drain Current: 2.15 mA per Amplifier