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MAX2235EUP+T 射频放大器 MAXIM
3.6 V
800 MHz to 1 GHz
26 dB
610 mA
射频放大器 Autoramping Power Amp for 900MHz Ap
+3.6V, 1W Autoramping Power Amplifier for 900MHz Applications
General Description
The MAX2235EUP+T MAX2235 low-voltage, silicon RF power amplifier (PA) is designed for use in the 900MHz frequency band. It operates directly from a single +2.7V to +5.5V supply, making it suitable for use with 3-cell NiCd or 1-cell Li-Ion batteries. The device delivers +30dBm (1W) typical output power from a +3.6V supply or +28dBm from a +2.7V supply.
MAX2235EUP+T Features
♦ 800MHz to 1000MHz Operation
♦ High Output Power at 836MHz
+32.5dBm at +5.0V
+30dBm at +3.6V
+29dBm at +3.0V
+28dBm at +2.7V
♦ +2.7V to +5.5V Single-Supply Operation
♦ Automatic Power-Up/Power-Down Ramp
♦ Direct On/Off Keying (OOK) without Intersymbol Interference or VCO Pulling
♦ 37dB Power-Control Range
♦ 47% Efficiency
♦ <1μA Supply Current in Shutdown Mode
♦ Small 20-Pin TSSOP Package with Heat Slug
MAX2235EUP+T Applications
900MHz ISM-Band Applications
Two-Way Pagers
Analog Cellular Phones
Microcellular GSM (Power Class 5)
Wireless Data Networks