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MAX44248ASA+T 运算放大器
300 pA
7.5 uV
0.7 V/us
126 dB
36V, Precision, Low-Power, 90μA, Single/Quad/Dual Op Amps
运算放大器 - 运放 Dual Op Amp
General Description
The MAX44248ASA+T MAX44244/MAX44245/MAX44248 family of parts provide ultra-precision, low-noise, zero-drift single/quad/ dual operational amplifiers featuring very low-power operation with a wide supply range. The devices incorporate a patented auto-zero circuit that constantly measures and compensates the input offset to eliminate drift over time and temperature as well as the effect of 1/f noise. These devices also feature integrated EMI filters to reduce high-frequency signal demodulation on the output. The op amps operate from either a single 2.7V to 36V supply or dual ±1.35V to ±18V supply. The devices are unity-gain stable with a 1MHz gain-bandwidth product and a low 90μA supply current per amplifier.
Benefits and Features MAX44248ASA+T
● Reduces Power for Sensitive Precision Applications
• Low 90μA Quiescent Current per Amplifier
● Eliminates the Cost of Calibration with Increased
Accuracy with Maxim’s Patented Autozero Circuitry
• Very Low Input Voltage Offset 7.5μV (max)
• Low 30nV/NC Offset Drift (max)
● Low Noise Ideal for Sensor Interfaces and
• 50nV/√Hz at 1kHz
• 0.5μVP-P from 0.1Hz to 10Hz
● 1MHz Gain-Bandwidth Product
• EMI Suppression Circuitry
● Rail-to-Rail Output
● Wide Supply for High-Voltage Front Ends
• 2.7V to 36V Supply Range
● μMAX, SO, SOT23, TSSOP Packages
Applications MAX44248ASA+T
Sensors Interfaces
4mA to 20mA and 0 to10V Transmitters
PLC Analog I/O Modules
Weight Scales
Portable Medical Devices