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MAX44285TAUA+ 电流灵敏放大器
25 uV
65 uA
1.5 mA
76 V
电流灵敏放大器 Dual Current-Sense with Wide Input Common Mode
Dual-Channel, High-Precision, High-Voltage, Current-Sense Amplifier
General Description MAX44285TAUA+
The MAX44285 dual-channel high-side current-sense
amplifier has precision accuracy specifications of VOS
less than 12μV (max) and gain error less than 0.1% (max).
The MAX44285 features an input common-mode voltage
range from 2.7V to 76V with 80kHz of small-signal bandwidth,
which makes it ideal for interfacing with a SAR ADC
for multichannel multiplexed data acquisition systems.
The MAX44285 operates over the -40°C to +125°C
temperature range. The MAX44285 is offered in 8-bump
wafer-level package (WLP) and 8-pin μMAXM package.
Benefits and Features MAX44285TAUA+
● 2.7V to 76V Input Common Mode
● Low 12μV (max) Input Offset Voltage
● Low 0.1% (max) Gain Error
● Gain Options
• G = 12.5V/V (MAX44285L)
• G = 20V/V (MAX44285T)
• G = 50V/V (MAX44285F)
• G = 100V/V (MAX44285H)
● 1mm x 2mm 8-Bump WLP and 8-Pin μMAX Packages
Applications MAX44285TAUA+
● Base Stations and Communication Equipment
● Power Management Systems
● Server Backplanes
● Industrial Control and Automation