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ISL97691IRTZ LED照明驱动器
4 Channel
24 mg
Driver ICs
2.4V LED Driver with Independent Analog and PWM Dimming Controls of 2 Backlights for 3D Application
LED照明驱动器 4 CH Single Cell Li- Ion Battery Powered
The ISL97691IRTZ ISL97691 is Intersil’s highly integrated 4 channel LED driver for single cell Li-Ion battery operated mobile displays requiring analog dimming, and for 3D mobile display applications. It drives four 40mA channels of LEDs up to 26V from an input supply 2.4V to 5.5V. The ISL97691 will also drive 60mA channels up to 21V at 30% duty for high peak current 3D modes.
Features ISL97691IRTZ
• 2.4V minimum input voltage, no need for higher voltage supplies
• 4 x 60mA (Note 1) and 4 x 40mA (Note 2) LED current
• 2 groups of independent analog and pwm current controls
- 1-wire interfaces for 6-bit analog dimming
- PWM inputs for PWM dimming
- 0.005% minimum PWM dimming duty cycle at 100Hz
• Low 0.8mA quiescent current
• ±2.5% current matching
• Adjustable switching frequency from 400kHz to 1.5MHz
• Fault protection
- OVP, OTP, channel open/short circuit protections
Applications ISL97691IRTZ
• Tablet, notebook PC, and smart phone displays LED backlighting
• Mobile displays for 2D or 3D LED backlighting