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LM324ADT 运算放大器 ST
: 4 Channel
: 1.3 MHz
: 0.4 V/us
: 70 dB
运算放大器 - 运放 Low-power quad operational amplifiers
Description LM324ADT
These circuits consist of four independent, high
gain operational amplifiers with frequency
compensation implemented internally. They
operate from a single power supply over a wide
range of voltages.
Operation from split power supplies is also
possible and the low-power supply current drain
is independent of the magnitude of the power
supply voltage.
See TSB572 and TSB611, 36 V newer
technology devices, which have enhanced
accuracy and ESD rating, reduced power
consumption, and automotive grade
See LM2902 and LM2902W for automotive
grade applications
Features LM324ADT
Wide gain bandwidth: 1.3 MHz
Input common mode voltage range includes ground
Large voltage gain: 100 dB
Very low supply current/amplifier: 375 μA
Low input bias current: 20 nA
Low input voltage: 3 mV max
Low input offset current: 2 nA
Wide power supply range:
Single supply: 3 V to 30 V
Dual supplies: ±1.5 V to ±15 V