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- 会员年限:16年
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- 传真:0755-23956688
- E-mail:Lee@zlxele.com
射频放大器 VGA, Dual Differential
DC - 100 MHz DUAL Digital Variable Ga in AmplifieR with Driver
General Description
The HMC960LP4E is a digitally programmable dual
channel variable gain amplifier. It supports discrete
gain steps from 0 to 40 dB in precise 0.5 dB steps.
It features a glitch free architecture to provide
exceptionally smooth gain transitions. The device
has matched gain paths which provide excellent
quadrature balance over a wide signal bandwidth.
The HMC960LP4E provides an SPI programmable
input impedance of 100 Ω differential or 400 Ω
differential (default).
Externally controlled common mode output feature
enables the HMC960LP4E to provide a flexible output
interface to other parts in the signal path.
Low Noise: 6 dB NF
High Linearity: Output IP3 +30 dBm
Variable Gain: 0 to 40 dB
High Bandwidth: DC to 100 MHz
Precise Gain Accuracy: 0.5 dB Gain Step
Excellent Magnitude and Phase Response
Externally Controlled Common Mode Output Level
Parallel or Serial Gain Control
Read/Write Serial Port Interface (SPI)
24 Lead 4x4 mm SMT Package 16 mm2
Programmable Input Impedance
(400 Ω Differential or 100 Ω Differential)
Typical Applications
The HMC960LP4E is suitable for:
• Baseband I/Q Transceivers
• Direct Conversion & Low IF Transceivers
• Diversity Receivers
• ADC Drivers
• Adaptive Gain Control