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功率:60W | 类型:其他IC | 型号:RA60H4047M1-101 |
批号:2013+ | 用途:功放 | 品牌:Mitsubishi/三菱 |
是否提供加工定制:否 | 封装:H2S | ? |
RA60H4047M1是60-watt RF的MOSFET放大器模块12.5-volt移动电台在向工作在400-470-MHz范围.电池可以直接连接到漏极增强型MOSFET晶体管.如果没有门电压(VGG进入=0V),只有一小漏电流漏极和标称输出信号(Pout=60W)衰减到60 dB.输出功率和漏电流增加为栅极电压升高.输出功率和漏电流大幅增加,与周围0V()栅电压.额定输出功率变为可用状态,在VGG是4V(典型值),5V().在VGG=5V,的典型栅极电流5mA.This模块设计用于非线性调频调制,但也可以用于线性调制通过设置静态漏电流与栅极电压和控制输入与输出功率权力.
RA60H4047M1:Silicon RF Power Modules RoHS Compliance, 400-470MHz 60W 12.5V, 2 Stage Amp. For MOBILE RADIO
The RA60H4047M1 is a 60-watt RF MOSFET Amplifier Module for 12.5-volt mobile radios that operate in the 400- to 470-MHz range.The battery can be connected directly to the drain of the enhancement-mode MOSFET transistors. Without the gate voltage (VGG=0V), only a small leakage current flows into the drain and the nominal output signal (Pout=60W) attenuates up to 60 dB. The output power and the drain current increase as the gate voltage increases. The output power and the drain current
increase substantially with the gate voltage around 0V(minimum).The nominal output power becomes available at the state that VGG is 4V (typical) and 5V (maximum).
At VGG=5V, the typical gate currents are 5mA.This module is designed for non-linear FM modulation, but may also be used for linear modulation by setting the drain quiescent current with the gate voltage and controlling the output power with the input power.
? Enhancement-Mode MOSFET Transistors(IDD?0 @ VDD=12.5V, VGG=0V)
? Pout>60W, ?T>40% @ VDD=12.5V, VGG=5V, Pin=50mW
? Broadband Frequency Range: 400-470MHz
? Metal shield structure that makes the improvements of spurious radiation simple
? Low-Power Control Current IGG=5mA (typ) @ VGG=5V
? Module Size: 67 x 19.4 x 9.9 mm
? Linear operation is possible by setting the quiescent drain current with the gate voltages and controlling the output power with the input power.RoHS COMPLIANCE
? RA60H4047M1 is a RoHS compliant product.
? RoHS compliance is indicate by the letter “G” after the Lot Marking.
? This product include the lead in the Glass of electronic parts and the lead in electronic Ceramic parts.However, it is applicable to the following exceptions of RoHS Directions.
1.Lead in the Glass of a cathode-ray tube, electronic parts, and fluorescent tubes.
2.Lead in electronic Ceramic parts.
SUPPLY FORM:Antistatic tray,10 modules/tray