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S6X8ES Thyristors
EV Series 0.8 Amp Sensitive SCRs
SCR Sen SCR 600V .8A 200uA
Description S6X8ES
New device series offers high static dv/dt and lower turn off (tq ) sensitive SCR with its small die planar construction design. It is specifically designed for GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) and Gas Ignition applications. All SCRs junctions are glass-passivated to ensure long term reliability and parametric stability.

Features S6X8ES
• RoHS compliant and Halogen-Free
• Thru-hole and surface mount packages
• Surge current capability > 10Amps
• Blocking voltage ( VDRM / VRRM ) capability - up to 800V
• High dv/dt noise immunity
• Improved turn-off time (tq ) < 25 μsec
• Sensitive gate for direct microprocessor interface
Applications S6X8ES
The SxX8xSx EV series is specifically designed for GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) and gas ignition applications.
Design Considerations
Careful selection of the correct device for the application’s
operating parameters and environment will go a long way
toward extending the operating life of the Thyristor. Good
design practice should limit the maximum continuous
current through the main terminals to 75% of the device
rating. Other ways to ensure long life for a power discrete
semiconductor are proper heat sinking and selection of
voltage ratings for worst case conditions. Overheating,
overvoltage (including dv/dt), and surge currents are
the main killers of semiconductors. Correct mounting,
soldering, and forming of the leads also help protect
against component damage.