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- 会员年限:16年
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- 传真:0755-23956688
- E-mail:Lee@zlxele.com
MC9S12DT128MPVE 微控制器 NXP
10 bit
16 bit
5 V
91 I/O
HCS12 Document Methodology
16位微控制器 - MCU 128K FLASH HCS12 MCU
Document Types MC9S12DT128MPVE
The HCS12 Family document set is designed to give the customer the most up-to-date,
comprehensive information in an efficient manner. The device documentation is broken down
into two types: MC9S12DT128MPVE
• Device Guides — Listed under the data sheet category. These provide device-specific
information, such as which modules are incorporated in a device and how those modules
interact. There is a document reference table near the beginning of each device guide. It
indicates which version of each block guide should be consulted for all modules on chip.
Examples of information contained in the device guides are:
— Module list (reference to applicable block guides)
— Pin assignments
— Top-level block diagram
— Top-level memory map
— Interrupt vectors
— Electrical specifications
— Package mechanical information
• Block Guides — Listed under the reference manual category. These provide detailed modulespecific
information. They contain: MC9S12DT128MPVE
— Module register map
— Module functional description
The document set for each device may be downloaded individually or as a collection contained in
a single zip file.