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EFM32ZG210F32-QFN32 ARM微控制器
Silicon Labs
: ARM Microcontrollers - MCU
: 32 kB
: 4 kB
: 3 V
ARM微控制器 - MCU ARM Cortex-M0+ 24 MHz 32 kB ADC AES MCU
The EFM32ZG offers unmatched performance and ultra low power consumption in both active and sleep modes. EFM32ZG devices consume as little as 0.5 μA in Stop mode and 114 μA/MHz in Run mode. It also features autonomous peripherals, high overall chip and analog integration, and the performance of the industry standard 32-bit ARM CortexM0+ processor, making it perfect for battery-powered systems and systems with highperformance, low-energy requirements.
• ARM Cortex-M0+ at 24 MHz
• Ultra low power operation
• 0.5 μA current in Stop (EM3), with
brown-out detection and RAM retention
• 48 μA/MHz in EM1
• 114 μA/MHz in Run mode (EM0)
• Fast wake-up time of 2 μs
• Hardware cryptography (AES)
• Up to 32 kB of Flash and 4 kB of RAM
EFM32ZG applications include the following: EFM32ZG210F32-QFN32
• Energy, gas, water and smart metering
• Health and fitness applications
• Smart accessories
• Alarm and security systems
• Industrial and home automation
Feature List EFM32ZG210F32-QFN32
• ARM Cortex-M0+ CPU platform
• High Performance 32-bit processor @ up to 24 MHz
• Wake-up Interrupt Controller
• SysTick System Timer
• Flexible Energy Management System
• 20 nA @ 3 V Shutoff Mode