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LPC54113J256BD64QL ARM微控制器 NXP
256 kB
192 kB
12 bit
48 I/O
ARM微控制器 - MCU Low Power 32-bit Microcontroller based on ARM® Cortex®-M4
32-bit ARM Cortex-M4/M0+ MCU; 192 KB SRAM; 256 KB flash, Crystal-less USB operation, DMIC subsystem, Flexcomm Interface, 32-bit counter/ timers, SCTimer/PWM, 12-bit 5.0 Msamples/sec ADC, Temperature sensor
General description LPC54113J256BD64QL
The LPC54113J256BD64QL LPC5411x are ARM Cortex-M4 based microcontrollers for embedded applications.
These devices include an ARM Cortex-M0+ coprocessor, up to 192 KB of on-chip SRAM,
up to 256 KB on-chip flash, full-speed USB device interface with Crystal-less operation, a
DMIC subsystem with PDM microphone interface and I2S, five general-purpose timers,
one SCTimer/PWM, one RTC/alarm timer, one 24-bit Multi-Rate Timer (MRT), a
Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT), eight flexible serial communication peripherals
(each of which can be a USART, SPI, or I2C interface), and one 12-bit 5.0 Msamples/sec
ADC, and a temperature sensor.
Features and benefits LPC54113J256BD64QL
Dual processor cores: ARM Cortex-M4 and ARM Cortex-M0+. Both cores operate up to a maximum frequency of 100 MHz.
ARM Cortex-M4 core (version r0p1):
ARM Cortex-M4 processor, running at a frequency of up to 100 MHz.
Floating Point Unit (FPU) and Memory Protection Unit (MPU).
ARM Cortex-M4 built-in Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC).
Non-maskable Interrupt (NMI) input with a selection of sources.
Serial Wire Debug (SWD) with six instruction breakpoints, two literal comparators, and four watch points. Includes Serial Wire Output for enhanced debug capabilities.
System tick timer.