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- 会员年限:16年
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- E-mail:Lee@zlxele.com
PCA9547PW,118 逻辑芯片 NXP
- 40 ℃
85 ℃
0.3 ns at 2.3 V to 5.5 V
16 Output
4 Input
8-channel I2C-bus multiplexer with reset
编码器、解码器、复用器和解复用器 8-CH I2C MUX W/RESET
型号: PCA9547PW,118
制造商: NXP
单位重量: 181.410 mg
Features and benefits PCA9547PW,118
1-of-8 bidirectional translating multiplexer
I 2C-bus interface logic; compatible with SMBus standards
Active LOW RESET input
3 address pins allowing up to 8 devices on the I2C-bus
Channel selection via I2C-bus, one channel at a time
Power-up with all channels deselected except Channel 0 which is connected
Low Ron multiplexers
Control register PCA9547PW,118
Following the successful acknowledgement of the slave address, the bus master will send
a byte to the PCA9547, which will be stored in the Control register. If multiple bytes are
received by the PCA9547, it will save the last byte received. This register can be written
and read via the I2C-bus.