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STP08CP05MTR 计数器移位寄存器
: Counter Shift Registers
: 4 bit
: 50 ns, 28 ns
: 3.3 V, 5 V
: - 40 C
: + 125 C
计数器移位寄存器 Low voltage, low current power 8-bit shift register
The STP08CP05MTR STP08CP05 is a monolithic, low voltage, low current, power 8-bit shift register designed for LED panel displays. The STP08CP05 contains an 8-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register that feeds an 8-bit D-type storage register. In the output stage, eight regulated current sources were designed to provide 5-100 mA constant current to drive the LEDs, the output current setup time is 11 ns (typ), thus improving the system performance.
The STP08CP05MTR STP08CP05 is backward compatible in functionality and footprint with STP8C/L596. Through an external resistor, users can adjust the STP08CP05 output current, controlling in this way the light intensity of LEDs, in addition, user can adjust LED’s brightness intensity from 0% to 100% via OE pin.
Features STP08CP05MTR
Low voltage power supply down to 3 V
8 constant current output channels
Adjustable output current through external resistor
Serial data IN/parallel data OUT
3.3 V micro driver-able
Output current: 5-100 mA
30 MHz clock frequency
Available in high thermal efficiency TSSOP exposed pad
ESD protection 2.5 kV HBM, 200 V MM