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MMDS20254HT1 射频放大器 NXP
110.600 mg
700 MHz to 2800 MHz
- 40 ℃
125 ℃
射频放大器 DRTY ALGN MOD 2G 6X6-3
Advanced Doherty Alignment Module (ADAM)
The MMDS20254H is an integrated module designed for use in base station
transmitters in conjunction with high power Doherty amplifiers. The device is
designed to enable accurate alignment of phase and amplitude on the carrier
and peaking amplifiers to ensure performance consistency, in particular for
asymmetric implementations.
Features MMDS20254HT1
Frequency: 1800--2200 MHz
Maximum RF Input Power: 25 dBm (CW)
Low Loss Power Splitter
0.5 dB Step Programmable Attenuators with 7.5 dB Maximum Range
7 per Bit Phase Shifters with 49 Maximum Range
Power up into a Selectable State
Single 5 Volt Supply
Supply Current: 12 mA
50 Ohm Operation (no external matching required)
TTL/CMOS/SPI Interface (1.8 V, 3.3 V Logic)
Cost--effective 32--Pin, 6 mm QFN Surface Mount Plastic Package
型号: MMDS20254HT1
制造商: NXP
产品种类: 射频放大器
RoHS: 无铅环保
安装风格: SMD/SMT
封装 / 箱体: QFN-32
类型: Advanced Doherty Alignment
工作频率: 700 MHz to 2800 MHz
封装: Cut Tape
封装: Reel
商标: NXP / Freescale
产品类型: RF Amplifier
工厂包装数量: 1000
子类别: Wireless & RF Integrated Circuits
单位重量: 110.600 mg