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MICRF113YM6-TR 射频发射器
: RF Transmitter
: 1.8 V
: 12.5 mA
: 300 MHz to 450 MHz
: 3.6 V
: + 85 C
射频发射器 300 to 450MHz ASK +10dBm, 1.8V to 3.6V Transmitter
300MHz to 450MHz +10dBm ASK Transmitter in SOT23
Features MICRF113YM6-TR
• Complete UHF ASK transmitter
• Frequency range 300MHz to 450MHz
• Bit rates up to 20kbps
• Output power up to 10dBm
• Low external part count
• Low voltage operation (down to 1.8V)
• Operate with crystals or ceramic resonators
• 6-pin SOT23
Applications MICRF113YM6-TR
• Fan Controllers
• Remote Power Switches
• Multimedia Remote Control
• Remote Sensor Data Links
• Infrared Transmitter Replacement
General Description MICRF113YM6-TR
The MICRF113 is a high-performance, easy-to-use, singlechip ASK Transmitter IC for remote wireless applications in the 300MHz to 450MHz frequency band. This transmitter IC is a true “data-in, antenna-out” monolithic device. MICRF113 has three strong attributes: power delivery, operating voltage and operating temperature. In terms of power, the MICRF113 is capable of delivering +10dBm into a 50Ω load. This power level enables a small form factor transmitter (lossy antenna) such as a key fob transmitter to operate near the maximum limit of transmission regulations. In terms of operating voltage, the MICRF113 operates from 1.8V to 3.6V. Many transmitter ICs in the same frequency band stop operating below 2.0V. The MICRF113 will work with most batteries to the end of their useful limits. In terms of operating temperature, the MICRF113 operates from −40°C to +85°C.