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- 传真:0755-23956688
- E-mail:Lee@zlxele.com
电信接口IC HOME AUTOMATION MODM Home automation modem
General description TDA5051AT/C1,518
The TDA5051A is a modem IC, specifically dedicated to ASK transmission by means of the home power supply network, at 600 baud or 1200 baud data rate. It operates from a single 5 V supply.
Features and benefits TDA5051AT/C1,518
Full digital carrier generation and shaping
Modulation/demodulation frequency set by clock adjustment, from microcontroller or on-chip oscillator
High clock rate of 6-bit D/A (Digital to Analog) converter for rejection of aliasing components
Fully integrated output power stage with overload protection
Automatic Gain Control (AGC) at receiver input
8-bit A/D (Analog to Digital) converter and narrow digital filtering
Digital demodulation delivering baseband data
Easy compliance with EN50065-1 with simple coupling network
Few external components for low cost applications
SO16 plastic package
Applications TDA5051AT/C1,518
Home appliance control (air conditioning, shutters, lighting, alarms and so on)
Energy/heating control
Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) data transmission using the home power network