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MCP3204-CI/P 模数转换器
: ADCs - Analog to Digital Converters
: 100 kS/s
: 12 bit
: 4 Channel
: - 40 C
: + 85 C
模数转换器 - ADC 12-bit SPI 4 Chl
2.7V 4-Channel/8-Channel 12-Bit A/D Converters with SPI™ Serial Interface
Description MCP3204-CI/P
The Microchip Technology Inc. MCP3204/3208 devices are successive approximation 12-bit Analogto-Digital (A/D) Converters with on-board sample and hold circuitry. The MCP3204 is programmable to provide two pseudo-differential input pairs or four singleended inputs. The MCP3208 is programmable to provide four pseudo-differential input pairs or eight singleended inputs. Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) is specified at ±1 LSB, while Integral Nonlinearity (INL) is offered in ±1 LSB (MCP3204/3208-B) and ±2 LSB (MCP3204/3208-C) versions.
Features MCP3204-CI/P
• 12-bit resolution
• ± 1 LSB max DNL
• ± 1 LSB max INL (MCP3204/3208-B)
• ± 2 LSB max INL (MCP3204/3208-C)
• 4 (MCP3204) or 8 (MCP3208) input channels
• Analog inputs programmable as single-ended or
pseudo-differential pairs
• On-chip sample and hold
• SPI serial interface (modes 0,0 and 1,1)
• Single supply operation: 2.7V - 5.5V
• 100 ksps max. sampling rate at VDD = 5V
• 50 ksps max. sampling rate at VDD = 2.7V
• Low power CMOS technology:
- 500 nA typical standby current, 2 μA max.
- 400 μA max. active current at 5V
• Industrial temp range: -40°C to +85°C
• Available in PDIP, SOIC and TSSOP packages
Applications MCP3204-CI/P
• Sensor Interface
• Process Control
• Data Acquisition
• Battery Operated Systems