- 非IC关键词
- 卖家积分:
营业执照:已审核经营模式:贸易/代理/分销所在地区:广东 深圳企业网站:
收藏本公司 人气:897994
- 相关证件:
- 会员类型:
- 会员年限:16年
- 阿库IM:
- 地址:深圳市福田区彩田路彩虹新都大厦彩荟阁7A室
- 传真:0755-23956688
- E-mail:Lee@zlxele.com
32位微控制器 - MCU
32-bit Microcontrollers - MCU
Microcontrollers - MCU
1.386 g
32位微控制器 - MCU 4M FLASH, 1.5M RAM, Automotive Qualified
Feature summary SPC5775KK2MMY3A
The on-chip modules within the MPC5775K include the following features:
• 32-bit CPU (e200z420) based on Power Architecture technology with delayed lock step checker core, dual issue and Harvard bus architecture
• 8 KB code cache
• 4 KB data cache
• 64 KB data local memory (0-wait state for all read and 32-/64-bit write accesses)
• Wait states possible for backdoor accesses via the crossbar
• Scalar single-precision Floating Point Unit SPC5775KK2MMY3A
• Two 32-bit CPUs (e200z7260) based on Power Architecture technology with dual issue and Harvard bus architecture
• 16 KB code cache with EDC and parity
• 16 KB data cache with EDC and parity
• 64 KB data local memory with ECC (0-wait state for all read and 32/64-bit write accesses)
• Wait states possible for backdoor accesses via the crossbar
Core features SPC5775KK2MMY3A
MPC5775K is a multicore microcontroller unit that:
• Contains one safety core consisting of an e200z420 with an e200z419 checker core running in delayed Lockstep mode
• Contains two cores running independent of each other implemented as z7260 and adding:
• SPE2 4-way integer SIMD engine
• EFP2 2-way single precision floating point engine freedom of interference by placing cores in separate design lakes
• Supports Harvard bus architecture with 64-bit data/instructions and 32-bit addresses
• Provides Nexus 3+ support