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- E-mail:Lee@zlxele.com
1 Core
333 MHz
1 V
16 kB
微处理器 - MPU 8313 REV2.2 NO ENC
The MPC8313VRAFFC security engine (SEC 2.2) allows CPU-intensive cryptographic operations to be offloaded from the main CPU core. The security-processing accelerator provides hardware acceleration for the DES, 3DES, AES, SHA-1, and MD-5 algorithms.
MPC8313VRAFFC Features
The following features are supported in the MPC8313E:
• Embedded PowerPC™ e300 processor core built on Power Architecture™ technology; operates at up to 333 MHz.
• High-performance, low-power, and cost-effective host processor
• DDR1/DDR2 memory controller—one 16-/32-bit interface at up to 333 MHz supporting both DDR1 and DDR2
• 16-Kbyte instruction cache and 16-Kbyte data cache, a floating point unit, and two integer units
• Peripheral interfaces such as 32-bit PCI interface with up to 66-MHz operation, 16-bit enhanced local bus interface with up to 66-MHz operation, and USB 2.0 (high speed) with an on-chip PHY.
Security Engine MPC8313VRAFFC
The security engine is optimized to handle all the algorithms associated with IPSec, IEEE Std 802.11i®, and iSCSI. The security engine contains one crypto-channel, a controller, and a set of crypto execution units (EUs). The execution units are as follows:
• Data encryption standard execution unit (DEU), supporting DES and 3DES
• Advanced encryption standard unit (AESU), supporting AES
• Message digest execution unit (MDEU), supporting MD5, SHA1, SHA-224, SHA-256, and HMAC with any algorithm
• One crypto-channel supporting multi-command descriptor chains