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37.386 mg
CAN Interface IC
Interface ICs
CAN 接口集成电路 High-speed CAN/dual LIN core system basis chip
High-speed CAN/dual LIN core system basis chip
General description
The UJA1078ATW core System Basis Chip (SBC) replaces the basic discrete components commonly found in Electronic Control Units (ECU) with a high-speed Controller Area Network (CAN) and two Local Interconnect Network (LIN) interfaces.
General UJA1078ATW/5V0/WDJ
Contains a full set of CAN and LIN ECU functions:
CAN transceiver and two LIN transceivers
Scalable 3.3 V or 5 V voltage regulator delivering up to 250 mA for a microcontroller and peripheral circuitry; an external PNP transistor can be connected for better heat distribution over the PCB
Separate voltage regulator for the CAN transceiver (5 V)
Watchdog with Window and Timeout modes and on-chip oscillator
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) for communicating with the microcontroller
ECU power management system
CAN transceiver
ISO 11898-2 and ISO 11898-5 compliant high-speed CAN transceiver
Dedicated low dropout voltage regulator for the CAN bus:
Independent of the microcontroller supply
Significantly improves EMC performance
Bus connections are truly floating when power is off
SPLIT output pin for stabilizing the recessive bus level
LIN transceivers UJA1078ATW
2 × LIN 2.1 compliant LIN transceivers
Compliant with SAE J2602
Downward compatible with LIN 2.0 and LIN 1.3
Low slope mode for optimized EMC performance
Integrated LIN termination diode at pin DLIN