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CAN 接口集成电路 High-speed CAN transceiver
General description TJA1043T/1J
The TJA1043 high-speed CAN transceiver provides an interface between a Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol controller and the physical two-wire CAN bus. The transceiver is designed for high-speed CAN applications in the automotive industry, providing differential transmit and receive capability to (a microcontroller with) a CAN protocol controller.
Features and benefits TJA1043T/1J
ISO 11898-2:2016 and SAE J2284-1 to SAE J2284-5 compliant
Loop delay symmetry timing enables reliable communication at data rates up to 5 Mbit/s in the CAN FD fast phase
Suitable for 12 V and 24 V systems
Low ElectroMagnetic Emission (EME) and high ElectroMagnetic Immunity (EMI)
VIO input allows for direct interfacing with 3 V and 5 V microcontrollers
SPLIT voltage output for stabilizing the recessive bus level
Listen-only mode for node diagnosis and failure containment
Available in SO14 and HVSON14 packages
Low-power management TJA1043T/1J
Very low current Standby and Sleep modes, with local and remote wake-up
Capability to power down the entire node while supporting local, remote and host wake-up
Wake-up source recognition
Transceiver disengages from the bus (zero load) when VBAT absent
Functional behavior predictable under all supply conditions