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S9S12G48F1MLC 微控制器 NXP
4 kB
26 I/O
3.15 V to 5.5 V
16位微控制器 - MCU 16-bit MCU S12 core 48KB Flash 25MHz
S12 16-Bit Central Processor Unit (CPU) S9S12G48F1MLC
S12 CPU is a high-speed 16-bit processing unit:
• Full 16-bit data paths supports efficient arithmetic operation and high-speed math execution
• Includes many single-byte instructions. This allows much more efficient use of ROM space.
• Extensive set of indexed addressing capabilities, including:
— Using the stack pointer as an indexing register in all indexed operations
— Using the program counter as an indexing register in all but auto increment/decrement mode
— Accumulator offsets using A, B, or D accumulators
— Automatic index predecrement, preincrement, postdecrement, and postincrement (by –8 to +8)
Main External Oscillator (XOSCLCP) S9S12G48F1MLC
• Loop control Pierce oscillator using a 4 MHz to 16 MHz crystal
— Current gain control on amplitude output
— Signal with low harmonic distortion
— Low power
— Good noise immunity
— Eliminates need for external current limiting resistor
— Transconductance sized for optimum start-up margin for typical crystals
— Oscillator pins can be shared w/ GPIO functionality
Chip-Level Features S9S12G48F1MLC
On-chip modules available within the family include the following features:
• S12 CPU core
• Up to 240 Kbyte on-chip flash with ECC
• Up to 4 Kbyte EEPROM with ECC
• Up to 11 Kbyte on-chip SRAM
• Phase locked loop (IPLL) frequency multiplier with internal filter
• 4–16 MHz amplitude controlled Pierce oscillator
• 1 MHz internal RC oscillator
• Timer module (TIM) supporting up to eight channels that provide a range of 16-bit input capture,
output compare, counter, and pulse accumulator functions
• Pulse width modulation (PWM) module with up to eight x 8-bit channels