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SPC5642AF2MLU1 微控制器 NXP
1.868 g
- 40℃
32位微控制器 - MCU NXP 32-bit MCU, Power Arch core, 2MB Flash, 150MHz, -40/+125degC, Automotive Grade, QFP 176
Document overview SPC5642AF2MLU1
This document provides electrical specifications, pin assignments, and package diagrams for the MPC5642A series of microcontroller units (MCUs). It also describes the device features and highlights important electrical and physical characteristics. For functional characteristics, refer to the device reference manual.
This microcontroller is a 32-bit system-on-chip (SoC) device intended for use in mid-range engine control and automotive transmission control applications. It is compatible with devices in Freescale’s MPC5600 family and offers performance and capabilities beyond the MPC5632M devices.
• 150 MHz e200z4 Power Architecture core
– Variable length instruction encoding (VLE)
– Superscalar architecture with 2 execution units
– Up to 2 integer or floating point instructions per cycle
– Up to 4 multiply and accumulate operations per cycle
• Memory organization
– 2 MB on-chip flash memory with ECC and read-while-write (RWW)
– 128 KB on-chip SRAM with standby functionality (32 KB) and ECC
– 8 KB instruction cache (with line locking), configurable as 2- or 4-way
– 14 + 3 KB eTPU code and data RAM
– 4 4 crossbar switch (XBAR)
– 24-entry MMU
• Fail Safe Protection SPC5642AF2MLU1
– 16-entry Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
– CRC unit with 3 submodules
– Junction temperature sensor
• Interrupt
– Configurable interrupt controller (INTC) with non-maskable interrupt (NMI)
– 64-channel eDMA