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SPC5603CK0CLL6 微控制器 NXP
QFP 100
-40 ℃
85 ℃
32-bit Microcontrollers - MCU
32位微控制器 - MCU NXP 32-bit MCU, Power Arch core, 384KB Flash, 64MHz, -40/+85℃, Automotive Grade, QFP 100
Document overview SPC5603CK0CLL6
This document describes the features of the family and options available within the family members, and highlights important electrical and physical characteristics of the device. To ensure a complete understanding of the device functionality, refer also to the device reference manual and errata sheet.
Description SPC5603CK0CLL6
The MPC5604B/C is a family of next generation microcontrollers built on the Power Architecture® embedded category.The MPC5604B/C family of 32-bit microcontrollers is the latest achievement in integrated automotive application controllers.
Features SPC5603CK0CLL6
• Single issue, 32-bit CPU core complex (e200z0)
– Compliant with the Power Architecture® embedded category
– Includes an instruction set enhancement allowing variable length encoding (VLE) for code size footprint reduction. With the optional encoding of mixed 16-bit and 32-bit instructions, it is possible to achieve significant code size footprint reduction.
• Up to 512 KB on-chip code flash supported with the flash controller and ECC
• 64 (4 × 16) KB on-chip data flash memory with ECC
• Up to 48 KB on-chip SRAM with ECC
• Memory protection unit (MPU) with 8 region descriptors and 32-byte region granularity
• Interrupt controller (INTC) with 148 interrupt vectors, including 16 external interrupt sources and 18 external interrupt/wakeup sources