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AT91RM9200-QU-002 微控制器 Microchip
180 MHz
128 kB
122 I/O
32 bit
ARM微控制器 - MCU 16kB SRAM 180MHz - PWM
Description AT91RM9200-QU-002
The AT91RM9200-QU-002 is a complete system-on-chip built around the ARM920T ARM Thumb processor. It incorporates a rich set of system and application peripherals and standard interfaces in order to provide a single-chip solution for a wide range of compute-intensive applications that require maximum functionality at minimum power consumption at lowest cost.
Features AT91RM9200-QU-002
• Incorporates the ARM920T™ ARM® Thumb® Processor
– 200 MIPS at 180 MHz, Memory Management Unit
– 16-KByte Data Cache, 16-KByte Instruction Cache, Write Buffer
– In-circuit Emulator including Debug Communication Channel
– Mid-level Implementation Embedded Trace Macrocell™ (256-ball BGA Package only)
• Low Power: On VDDCORE 24.4 mA in Normal Mode, 520 μA in Standby Mode
• Additional Embedded Memories
– 16K Bytes of SRAM and 128K Bytes of ROM
• External Bus Interface (EBI)
– Supports SDRAM, Static Memory, Burst Flash, Glueless Connection to CompactFlash® and NAND Flash/SmartMedia®
• System Peripherals for Enhanced Performance:– Enhanced Clock Generator and Power Management Controller
– Two On-chip Oscillators with Two PLLs
– Very Slow Clock Operating Mode and Software Power Optimization Capabilities
– Four Programmable External Clock Signals
– System Timer Including Periodic Interrupt, Watchdog and Second Counter
– Real-time Clock with Alarm Interrupt
– Debug Unit, Two-wire UART and Support for Debug Communication Channel
– Advanced Interrupt Controller with 8-level Priority, Individually Maskable Vectored
Interrupt Sources, Spurious Interrupt Protected
– Seven External Interrupt Sources and One Fast Interrupt Source