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AT91SAM9263B-CU-100 微处理器 Microchip
1 Core
32 bit
200 MHz
1.2 V
微处理器 - MPU 32-bit MCU
Description AT91SAM9263B-CU-100
The AT91SAM9263 32-bit microcontroller, based on the ARM926EJ-S processor, is architectured on a 9-layer matrix, allowing a maximum internal bandwidth of nine 32-bit buses. It also features two independent external memory buses, EBI0 and EBI1, capable of interfacing with a wide range of memory devices and an IDE hard disk. Two external buses prevent bottlenecks, thus guaranteeing maximum performance.
Features AT91SAM9263B-CU-100
• Incorporates the ARM926EJ-S™ ARM® Thumb® Processor
– DSP Instruction Extensions, Jazelle® Technology for Java® Acceleration
– 16 Kbyte Data Cache, 16 Kbyte Instruction Cache, Write Buffer
– 220 MIPS at 200 MHz
– Memory Management Unit
– EmbeddedICE™, Debug Communication Channel Support
– Mid-level Implementation Embedded Trace Macrocell™
• Bus Matrix AT91SAM9263B-CU-100
– Nine 32-bit-layer Matrix, Allowing a Total of 28.8 Gbps of On-chip Bus Bandwidth
– Boot Mode Select Option, Remap Command
• Embedded Memories
– One 128 Kbyte Internal ROM, Single-cycle Access at Maximum Bus Matrix Speed
– One 80 Kbyte Internal SRAM, Single-cycle Access at Maximum Processor or Bus Matrix Speed
– One 16 Kbyte Internal SRAM, Single-cycle Access at Maximum Bus Matrix Speed