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ATSAM4C16CB-AU 微控制器 Microchip
120 MHz
1 MB
152 kB
10 bit
ARM微控制器 - MCU LQFP, Green, IND TEMP, CRYPTO, 1ph SOC, MRLC, 256K, R
Description ATSAM4C16CB-AU
The Atmel® | SMART SAM4C microcontrollers are system-on-chip solutions for smart energy applications, built around two high-performance 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M4 RISC processors.
Features ATSAM4C16CB-AU
Application/Master Core
̶ ARM Cortex-M4 running at up to 120 MHz(1)
̶ Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
̶ DSP Instruction
̶ Thumb®-2 instruction set
̶ Instruction and Data Cache Controller with 2 Kbytes Cache Memory
̶ Memories
Up to 2 Mbytes of Embedded Flash for Program Code (I-Code bus) and Program Data (D-Code bus) with Built-in ECC (2-bit error detection and 1-bit correction per 128 bits)
Up to 256 Kbytes of Embedded SRAM (SRAM0) for Program Data (System bus)
8 Kbytes of ROM with embedded bootloader routines (UART) and In-Application Programming (IAP) routines
Coprocessor (provides ability to separate application, communication or metrology functions)
̶ ARM Cortex-M4F running at up to 120 MHz(1)
̶ IEEE® 754 Compliant, Single-precision Floating-Point Unit (FPU)
̶ DSP Instruction
̶ Thumb-2 instruction set
̶ Instruction and Data Cache Controller with 2 Kbytes of Cache Memory
̶ Memories ATSAM4C16CB-AU
Up to 32 Kbytes of Embedded SRAM (SRAM1) for Program Code (I-Code bus) and Program Data
(D-Code bus and System bus)
Up to 16 Kbytes of Embedded SRAM (SRAM2) for Program Data (System bus)