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ATBTLC1000A-MU-T 射频芯片 Microchip
2.4 GHz
1 Mb/s
3.5 dBm
- 93 dBm
1.8 V to 4.3 V
4 GB
RF片上系统 - SoC Smart BLE 4.1 ATBTLC1000
Description ATBTLC1000A-MU-T
The Atmel® ATBTLC1000 is an ultra-low power Bluetooth® SMART (BLE 4.1) System on a Chip with Integrated MCU, Transceiver, Modem, MAC, PA, TR Switch, and Power Management Unit (PMU). It can be used as a Bluetooth Low Energy link controller or data pump with external host MCU or as a standalone applications processor with embedded BLE connectivity and external memory.
Features ATBTLC1000A-MU-T
Complies with Bluetooth V4.1
2.4GHz transceiver and modem
– -95dBm/-93dBm programmable receiver sensitivity
– -20 to +3.5dBm programmable TX output power
– Integrated T/R switch
– Single wire antenna connection
ARM® Cortex®-M0 32-bit processor
– Single wire Debug (SWD) interface
– Four-channel DMA controller
– Brownout detector and Power On Reset
– Watch Dog Timer
– 128KB embedded RAM (96KB available for application)
– 128KB embedded ROM
Hardware Security Accelerators
– AES-128
– SHA-256
Peripherals ATBTLC1000A-MU-T
– 12 digital and 2 mixed-signal GPIOs with 96kΩ internal programmable pull-up or down resistors and retention capability, and one wakeup GPIO with 96kΩ internal pull-up resistor
– 2x SPI Master/Slave
– 2x I2C Master/Slave and 1x I2C Slave
– 2x UART
– 1x SPI Flash
– Three-axis quadrature decoder
– 4x Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), three General Purpose Timers, and one Wakeup Timer