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ATSAME70N20A-CN MCU Microchip
75 I/O
384 kB
1024 kB
1.7 V to 3.6 V
ARM微控制器 - MCU CM7,1024kB Flash,384kB SRAM,BGA100
32-bit ARM Cortex-M7 MCUs with FPU, Audio and Graphics Interfaces, High-Speed USB, Ethernet, and Advanced Analog
Configuration Summary ATSAME70N20A-CN
The SAM E70/S70/V70/V71 devices differ in memory size, package and features. The following tables
summarize the different configurations.
Features ATSAME70N20A-CN
• ARM® Cortex® -M7 running at up to 300 MHz
• 16 Kbytes of I-Cache and 16 Kbytes of D-Cache with Error Code Correction (ECC)
• Single-precision and double-precision HW Floating Point Unit (FPU)
• Memory Protection Unit (MPU) with 16 zones
• DSP Instructions, Thumb® -2 Instruction Set
• Embedded Trace Module (ETM) with instruction trace stream, including Trace Port Interface Unit (TPIU)
Memories ATSAME70N20A-CN
• Up to 2048 Kbytes embedded Flash with unique identifier and user signature for user-defined data
• Up to 384 Kbytes embedded Multi-port SRAM
• Tightly Coupled Memory (TCM)
• 16 Kbytes ROM with embedded Bootloader routines (UART0, USB) and IAP routines
• 16-bit Static Memory Controller (SMC) with support for SRAM, PSRAM, LCD module, NOR and
NAND Flash with on-the-fly scrambling
• 16-bit SDRAM Controller (SDRAMC) interfacing up to 256 MB and with on-the-fly scrambling