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USB2517I-JZX 接口IC Microchip
240 mA
480 Mb/s
High Speed
7 Port
- 40 ℃
85 ℃
USB 接口集成电路 Ultra Fast USB 2.19 Flash Media
USB 2.0 Hi-Speed 7-Port Hub Controller
General Description USB2517I-JZX
The SMSC 7-Port Hub is a low power, OEM configurable, MTT (multi transaction translator) hub controller IC with 7 downstream ports for embedded USB solutions. The 7-port hub is fully compliant with the USB 2.0 Specification and will attach to an upstream port as a Full-Speed Hub or as a Full-/Hi-Speed Hub. The 7-Port Hub supports Low-Speed, Full-Speed, and Hi-Speed (if operating as a Hi-Speed Hub) downstream devices on all of the enabled downstream ports.
General Features USB2517I-JZX
Hub Controller IC with 7 downstream ports
High-performance multiple transaction translator MultiTRAK™ Technology provides one transaction translator per port
Enhanced OEM configuration options available through either a single serial I2CTM EEPROM, or SMBus Slave Port
64-Pin (9x9 mm) QFN lead-free, RoHS compliant package
Applications USB2517I-JZX
LCD monitors and TVs
Multi-function USB peripherals
PC mother boards
Set-top boxes, DVD players, DVR/PVR
Printers and scanners
PC media drive bay
Portable hub boxes
Mobile PC docking
Embedded systems