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64 MHz
1.8 V
128 kB
32 kB
ARM微控制器 - MCU MRL A 128K Flash 32K SRAM Ind Temp
Description ATSAM3S2BA-AU
Atmel's ATSAM3S2BA-AU SAM3S series is a member of a family of 32-bit Flash microcontrollers based on the high performance ARM Cortex-M3 processor. It operates at a maximum speed of 64 MHz and features up to 256 Kbytes of Flash and up to 48 Kbytes of SRAM.
Features ATSAM3S2BA-AU
• Core
– ARM® Cortex®-M3 revision 2.0 running at up to 64 MHz
– Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
– Thumb®-2 instruction set
• Pin-to-pin compatible with AT91SAM7S series (48- and 64-pin versions)
• Peripherals
– USB 2.0 Device: 12 Mbps, 2668 byte FIFO, up to 8 bidirectional Endpoints. On-Chip Transceiver
– Up to 2 USARTs with ISO7816, IrDA®, RS-485, SPI, Manchester and Modem Mode
– Two 2-wire UARTs
– Up to 2 Two Wire Interface (I2C compatible), 1 SPI, 1 Serial Synchronous Controller (I2S), 1 High Speed Multimedia Card
Interface (SDIO/SD Card/MMC)
– Up to 6 Three-Channel 16-bit Timer/Counter with capture, waveform, compare and PWM mode. Quadrature Decoder
Logic and 2-bit Gray Up/Down Counter for Stepper Motor
– 4-channel 16-bit PWM with Complementary Output, Fault Input, 12-bit Dead Time Generator Counter for Motor Control
– 32-bit Real-time Timer and RTC with calendar and alarm features
– Up to 15-channel, 1Msps ADC with differential input mode and programmable gain stage
– One 2-channel 12-bit 1Msps DAC
– One Analog Comparator with flexible input selection, Selectable input hysteresis
– 32-bit Cyclic Redundancy Check Calculation Unit (CRCCU)
– Write Protected Registers
• I/O
– Up to 79 I/O lines with external interrupt capability (edge or level sensitivity), debouncing, glitch filtering and on-die Series Resistor Termination
– Three 32-bit Parallel Input/Output Controllers, Peripheral DMA assisted Parallel Capture Mode