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ATXMEGA8E5-M4U MCU Microchip
32 MHz
8 kB
1 kB
12 bit
8/16-bit Atmel AVR XMEGA Microcontrollers
8位微控制器 -MCU 32QFN 4x4mm IND TEMP GREEN,1.6-3.6V
Features ATXMEGA8E5-M4U
High-performance, low-power Atmel® AVR® XMEGA® 8/16-bit Microcontroller
Nonvolatile program and data memories
8K –32KB of in-system self-programmable flash
2K – 4KB boot section
512Bytes – 1KB EEPROM
1K – 4KB internal SRAM
Peripheral features
Four-channel enhanced DMA controller with 8/16-bit address match
Eight-channel event system
Asynchronous and synchronous signal routing
Quadrature encoder with rotary filter
Three 16-bit timer/counters
One timer/counter with four output compare or input capture channels
Two timer/counter with two output compare or input capture channels
High resolution extension enabling down to 4ns PWM resolution
Waveform extension for control of motor, LED, lighting, H-bridge, high drives, and more
Fault extension for safe and deterministic handling and/or shut-down of external driver
Overview ATXMEGA8E5-M4U
The ATXMEGA8E5-M4U Atmel AVR XMEGA is a family of low power, high performance, and peripheral rich 8/16-bit microcontrollers based on the AVR enhanced RISC architecture. By executing instructions in a single clock cycle, the AVR XMEGA devices achieve CPU throughput approaching one million instructions per second (MIPS) per megahertz, allowing the system designer to optimize power consumption versus processing speed.