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S912XEP100W1MAG 微控制器 NXP
-40 ℃
125 ℃
Microcontrollers - MCU
16位微控制器 - MCU 16-bit MCU, S12X core, 1MB Flash, 50MHz, -40/+125degC, Automotive Qualified, QFP 144
Introduction S912XEP100W1MAG
The MC9S12XE-Family of micro controllers is a further development of the S12XD-Family including new features for enhanced system integrity and greater functionality.
Features S912XEP100W1MAG
Features of the MC9S12XE-Family are listed here. Please see Table D-2.for memory options and Table D- 2. for the peripheral features that are available on the different family members.
• 16-Bit CPU12X
— Upward compatible with MC9S12 instruction set with the exception of five Fuzzy instructions
(MEM, WAV, WAVR, REV, REVW) which have been removed
— Enhanced indexed addressing
— Access to large data segments independent of PPAGE
• INT (interrupt module)
— Eight levels of nested interrupts
— Flexible assignment of interrupt sources to each interrupt level.
— External non-maskable high priority interrupt (XIRQ)
— Internal non-maskable high priority Memory Protection Unit interrupt
— Up to 24 pins on ports J, H and P configurable as rising or falling edge sensitive interrupts
Memory map and bus interface modes:
• Normal and emulation operating modes
— Normal single-chip mode
— Normal expanded mode
— Emulation of single-chip mode
— Emulation of expanded mode
• Special Operating Modes
— Special single-chip mode with active background debug mode
— Special test mode (Freescale use only)