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LPC54608J512BD208E 微控制器 NXP
32 bit
12 bit
200 kB
1.71 V to 3.6 V
ARM微控制器 - MCU Power-Efficient Microcontrollers (MCUs) With Advanced Peripherals Based on ARM Cortex-M4 Core
32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller; up to 512 KB flash and 200 kB SRAM; High-speed USB device/host + PHY; Full-speed USB device/host; Ethernet AVB; LCD; EMC; SPIFI; CAN FD, SDIO; SHA; 12-bit 5 Msamples/s ADC; DMIC subsystem
General description LPC54608J512BD208E
The LPC546xx is a family of ARM Cortex-M4 based microcontrollers for embedded applications featuring a rich peripheral set with very low power consumption and enhanced debug features.
The ARM LPC54608J512BD208E Cortex-M4 is a 32-bit core that offers system enhancements such as low power consumption, enhanced debug features, and a high level of support block integration. The ARM Cortex-M4 CPU incorporates a 3-stage pipeline, uses a Harvard architecture with separate local instruction and data buses as well as a third bus for peripherals, and includes an internal prefetch unit that supports speculative branching. The ARM Cortex-M4 supports single-cycle digital signal processing and SIMD instructions. A hardware floating-point processor is integrated into the core.
Features and benefits LPC54608J512BD208E
ARM Cortex-M4 core (version r0p1):
ARM Cortex-M4 processor, running at a frequency of up to 220 MHz.
The LPC5460x/61x devices operate at CPU frequencies of up to 180 MHz. The
LPC54628 device operates at CPU frequencies of up to 220 MHz.
Floating Point Unit (FPU) and Memory Protection Unit (MPU).
ARM Cortex-M4 built-in Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC).
Non-maskable Interrupt (NMI) input with a selection of sources.
Serial Wire Debug (SWD) with six instruction breakpoints, two literal comparators, and four watch points. Includes Serial Wire Output and ETM Trace for enhanced debug capabilities, and a debug timestamp counter.