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MC33FS6523CAE 电源管理IC NXP
- 1 V to 40 V
800 mA
- 40 ℃
125 ℃
Safety Power System Basis Chip with CAN FD and LIN Transceivers
电源管理 (PMIC) System Basis Chip, DCDC 2.2A Vcore FS1B LDT CAN, LQFP48EP
General description MC33FS6523CAE
The FS6500/FS4500 SMARTMOS devices are a multi-output, power supply, integrated circuit, including CAN Flexible Data (FD) and/or LIN transceivers, dedicated to the automotive market.
Features MC33FS6523CAE
• Battery voltage sensing and MUX output pin
• Highly flexible SMPS pre-regulator, allowing two topologies: non-inverting buck-boost and standard buck
• Family of devices to supply MCU core from 1.0 V to 5.0 V, with SMPS (0.8 A, 1.5 A or 2.2 A) or LDO (0.5 A)
• 36 V maximum input operating voltage
• Linear voltage regulator dedicated to auxiliary functions, or to sensor supply (VCCA tracker or independent), 5.0 V or 3.3 V
• Linear voltage regulator dedicated to MCU A/D reference voltage or I/Os supply (VCCA), 5.0 V or 3.3 V
• 3.3 V keep alive memory supply available in low-power mode
• Long duration timer, counting up to 6 months with 1.0 s resolution
• Multiple wake-up sources in low-power mode: CAN, LIN, IOs, LDT
• Five configurable I/Os
Applications MC33FS6523CAE
• Drive train electrification (BMS, hybrid EV and HEV, inverter, DCDC, alterno starter)
• Drive train - chassis and safety (active suspension, steering, safety domain gateway)
• Power train (EMS, TCU, gear box)
• ADAS (LDW, Radar, sensor fusion safety area)