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VNL5050N3TR-E 门驱动器
: 30 uA
: 5 V
: - 40 C
: + 125 C
门驱动器 19A OMNIFET
OMNIFET III fully protected low-side driver
Features VNL5050N3TR-E
• Automotive qualified
• Drain current: 19 A
• ESD protection
• Overvoltage clamp
• Thermal shutdown
• Current and power limitation
• Very low standby current
• Very low electromagnetic susceptibility
• Compliant with European directive 2002/95/EC
• Open drain status output (VNL5050S5-E only)
Description VNL5050N3TR-E
The VNL5050N3TR-E VNL5050N3-E and VNL5050S5-E are monolithic devices made using STMicroelectronics VIPower® Technology, intended for driving resistive or inductive loads with one side connected to the battery.
Built-in thermal shutdown protects the chip from overtemperature and short-circuit. Output current limitation protects the devices in an overload condition. In case of long duration overload, the devices limit the dissipated power to a safe level up to thermal shutdown intervention.Thermal shutdown, with automatic restart, allows the devices to recover normal operation as soon as a fault condition disappears. Fast demagnetization of inductive loads is achieved at turn-off.