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±15kV ESD-Protected, 5V RS-232 Transceivers
RS-232接口集成电路 15kV ESD-Protected 5V RS232 Transceiver
General Description
The MAX202ECSE+T MAX202E-MAX213E, MAX232E, and MAX241E are a family of RS-232 and V.28 transceivers with high ±15kV ESD HBM protection and integrated charge pump circuitry for single +5V supply operation. The various combinations of features are outlined in the Selector Guide. The drivers and receivers for all ten devices meet all EIA/TIA- 232E and CCITT V.28 specifications at data rates up to 120kbps when loaded.
Benefits and Features MAX202ECSE+T
• Saves Board Space
• Integrated High ±15kV HBM ESD Protection
• Integrated Charge Pump Circuitry
Eliminates the Need for a Bipolar ±12V Supply
Enables Single Supply Operation From +5V Supply
• Integrated 0.1μF Capacitors (MAX203E, MAX205E)
• 24 pin SSOP Package Saves up to 40% Versus SO Package
• Saves Power for Reduced Power Requirements
• 1μA Shutdown Mode
• 15μA Shutdown Mode for MAX213E
Applications MAX202ECSE+T
• Battery-Powered Equipment
• Hand-Held Equipment
• Portable Diagnostics Equipment