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MAX3232ESE+T RS-232接口集成电路
120 kb/s
2 Driver
2 Receiver
1 mA
- 40 ℃
85 ℃
3.0V to 5.5V, Low-Power, up to 1Mbps, True RS-232 Transceivers Using Four 0.1μF External Capacitors
RS-232接口集成电路 3-5.5V 235kbps Transceiver
General Description
The MAX3232ESE+T MAX3222/MAX3232/MAX3237/MAX3241 transceivers have a proprietary low-dropout transmitter output stage enabling true RS-232 performance from a 3.0V to 5.5V supply with a dual charge pump. The devices require only four small 0.1μF external chargepump capacitors. The MAX3222, MAX3232, and MAX3241 are guaranteed to run at data rates of 120kbps while maintaining RS-232 output levels. The MAX3237 is guaranteed to run at data rates of 250kbps in the normal operating mode and 1Mbps in the MegaBaud™ operating mode, while maintaining RS-232 output levels.
Next Generation Device Features MAX3232ESE+T
♦ For Smaller Packaging:
MAX3228E/MAX3229E: +2.5V to +5.5V RS-232
Transceivers in UCSP™
♦ For Integrated ESD Protection:
MAX3246E: ±15kV ESD-Protected, Down to 10nA,
3.0V to 5.5V, Up to 1Mbps, True RS-232
♦ For Low-Voltage or Data Cable Applications:
MAX3380E/MAX3381E: +2.35V to +5.5V, 1μA,
2Tx/2Rx RS-232 Transceivers with ±15kV
ESD-Protected I/O and Logic Pins
Applications MAX3232ESE+T
Notebook, Subnotebook, and Palmtop Computers
High-Speed Modems
Battery-Powered Equipment
Hand-Held Equipment