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ISL98607AEIAZ-T 开关稳压器
Switching Voltage Regulators
- 40 ℃
85 ℃
开关稳压器 High Efficiency Power Supply for Small Size Displays, 4x5 bu
High Efficiency Power Supply for Small Size Displays
The ISL98607AEIAZ-T ISL98607 is a high efficiency power supply for small size displays, like smart phones, requiring ±supply rails. It integrates boost regulator, LDO, and inverting charge pump that are used to generate two output rails: +5V (default) and -5V (default). The ±5V output voltages can be adjusted up to ±5.7V with 50mV steps using the I2C interface.
The device integrates synchronous rectification MOSFETs for the boost regulator and inverting charge pump, which maximizes conversion efficiency.
Features ISL98607AEIAZ-T
• Two outputs:
- VP = +5.0V (default)
- VN = -5.0V (default)
• 2.8V to 4.4V Input voltage range
• >85.5% Efficiency with 12mA load between VP and VN
• 21mm2 Solution PCB area
• Fully integrated FETs for synchronous rectification
• Integrated compensation and feedback circuits
• I2C adjustable output voltages and settings
• Integrated VP/VN discharge resistors
• 1μA shutdown supply current
• 1.82x2.15mm, 4x5 array WLCSP with 0.4mm pitch
• Pb-Free (RoHS compliant)
Applications ISL98607AEIAZ-T
• TFT-LCD Smart phone displays
• Small size/handheld displays