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MIC47100-12YMME-TR 低压差稳压器
: LDO Voltage Regulators
: 3 A
: Reel
: 140 mg
低压差稳压器 1A High Speed, Low Vin LDO
1A High Speed Low VIN LDO
General Description MIC47100-12YMME-TR
The MIC47100-12YMME-TR MIC47100 is a high speed, Low VIN LDO capable of delivering up to 1A and designed to take advantage of point of load applications that use multiple supply rails to generate a low voltage, high current power supply. The MIC47100 is stable with only a 1μF ceramic output capacitor and is available in a thermally enhanced 2mm × 2mm MLF® package thus making it an optimal solution for board-constrained applications.
Features MIC47100-12YMME-TR
• Operating voltage range:
- Input Supply: 1.0V to 3.6V
- Bias Supply: 2.3V to 5.5V
• 0.8V to 2.0V output voltage range
• High bandwidth – very fast transient response
• PSRR >50dB at 100kHz
• Stable with a 1μF ceramic output capacitor
• Low dropout voltage of 80mV at 1A
• High output voltage accuracy:
- +/- 1.5% initial accuracy
- +/- 2% over temperature
• Logic level enable input
• UVLO on both supply voltages for easy turn-on
• ePad MSOP-8 – small form factor power package
• Thermally enhanced 2mm × 2mm MLF® – smallest solution