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ICL3222ECAZ-T RS-232接口集成电路
1 mA
0 ℃
70 ℃
1 Driver
2 Receiver
500 kb/s
±15kV ESD Protected, +3V to +5.5V, 1μA, 250kbps, RS-232 Transmitters/Receivers
RS-232接口集成电路 RS232 3V 2D/2R 15KV SHTDWN COMEL
The ICL3222ECAZ-T ICL3221E, ICL3222E, ICL3223E, ICL3232E, ICL3241E, and ICL3243E are 3.0V to 5.5V powered RS-232 transmitters/receivers which meet ElA/TIA-232 and V.28/V.24 specifications, even at VCC = 3.0V. Additionally, they provide ±15kV ESD protection (IEC61000-4-2 Air Gap and Human Body Model) on transmitter outputs and receiver inputs (RS-232 pins).
Features ICL3222ECAZ-T
• ESD protection for RS-232 I/O pins to ±15kV (IEC61000)
• Drop-in replacements for the MAX3221E,
MAX3222E, MAX3223E, MAX3232E, MAX3241E,
MAX3243E, and SP3243E
• The ICL3221E is a low-power, pin-compatible
upgrade for the 5V MAX221E
• The ICL3222E is a low-power, pin-compatible
upgrade for the 5V MAX242E and SP312E
• The ICL3232E is a low-power upgrade for the
HIN232E, ICL232, and pin-compatible competitor
• RS-232 compatible with VCC = 2.7V
• Meets EIA/TIA-232 and V.28/V.24 specifications at 3V
• Latch-up free
• On-chip voltage converters require only four
external 0.1μF capacitors at VCC = 3.3V
• Manual and automatic power-down features
• Guaranteed mouse driveability (ICL324xE only)
• Receiver hysteresis for improved noise immunity
• Guaranteed minimum data rate: 250kbps
• Wide power supply range: single +3V to +5.5V
• Low supply current in power-down state: 1μA
• Pb-free available (RoHS compliant)
Applications ICL3222ECAZ-T
• Any system requiring RS-232 communication ports
- Battery powered, hand-held, and portable equipment
- Laptop computers and notebooks
- Modems, printers, and other peripherals
- Digital cameras
- Cellular/mobile phones