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ISL6333AIRZ-T 开关控制器
0.5 V to 1.6 V
100 A
- 40 ℃
85 ℃
开关控制器 3-PH CNTRLLR W/3 DRVRS W/O DE 4 8LD 7
Three-Phase Buck PWM Controller with Integrated MOSFET Drivers and Light Load Efficiency Enhancements for Intel VR11.1 Applications
The ISL6333AIRZ-T ISL6333 three-phase PWM family of control ICs provide a precision voltage regulation system for advanced microprocessors. ISL6333AIRZ-T The integration of power MOSFET drivers into the controller IC marks a departure from the separate PWM controller and driver configuration of previous multi-phase product families. By reducing the number of external parts, this integration is optimized for a cost and space saving power management solution.
Features ISL6333AIRZ-T
• Intel VR11.1 Compatible
- IMON Pin for Output Current Monitoring
- Power State Indicator (PSI#) Pin for Phase Dropping
and Higher Efficiency During Light Load States
• CPURST_N Input to Eliminate Required Extensive
External Circuit for proper PSI# Operation of Intel’s
Eaglelake Chipset Platform (ISL6333B, ISL6333C Only)
• Integrated Multi-Phase Power Conversion
- 3-Phase or 2-Phase Operation with Internal Drivers
• Precision Core Voltage Regulation
- Differential Remote Voltage Sensing
- ±0.5% System Accuracy Over-Temperature
- Adjustable Reference-Voltage Offset
• Optimal Transient Response
- Active Pulse Positioning (APP) Modulation
- Adaptive Phase Alignment (APA)
• Fully Differential, Continuous DCR Current Sensing
- Integrated Programmable Current Sense Resistors
- Accurate Load Line Programming
- Precision Channel Current Balancing