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TK20E60W,S1VX MOSFET Toshiba
: N-Channel
: 1 Channel
: 165 W
: 48 nC
MOSFET N-Ch DTMOSIV 600 V 165W 1680pF 20A
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note) (Ta = 25 unless otherwise specified) TK20E60W,S1VX
Characteristics Drain-source voltage Gate-source voltage Drain current (DC) Drain current (pulsed) Power dissipation Single-pulse avalanche energy Avalanche current Reverse drain current (DC) Reverse drain current (pulsed) Channel temperature Storage temperature Mounting torque (Tc = 25) (Note 1) (Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 1) (Note 1) Symbol VDSS VGSS ID IDP PD EAS IAR IDR IDRP Tch Tstg TOR Rating 600 ±30 20 80 165 200 5 20 80 150 -55 to 150 0.6 Unit V A W mJ A Nm
Dynamic Characteristics (Ta = 25 unless otherwise specified) TK20E60W,S1VX
Characteristics Input capacitance Reverse transfer capacitance Output capacitance Effective output capacitance Gate resistance Switching time (rise time) Switching time (turn-on time) Switching time (fall time) Switching time (turn-off time) MOSFET dv/dt ruggedness Symbol Ciss Crss Coss Co(er) rg tr ton tf toff dv/dt Test Condition VDS = 300 V, VGS = 0 V, f = 1 MHz VDS = 0 to 400 V, VGS = 0 V VDS = OPEN, f = 1 MHz See Figure 6.2.1 VDD = 0 to 400 V, ID = 5 A Min 50 Typ. 1680 7 40 70 1.5 25 50 6 100 Max Unit pF Ω ns V/ns
Source-Drain Characteristics (Ta = 25 unless otherwise specified) TK20E60W,S1VX
Characteristics Diode forward voltage Reverse recovery time Reverse recovery charge Peak reverse recovery current Diode dv/dt ruggedness Symbol VDSF trr Qrr Irr dv/dt Test Condition IDR = 20 A, VGS = 0 V IDR = 10 A, VGS = 0 V -dIDR/dt = 50 A/μs IDR = 10 A, VGS = 0 V, VDD = 400 V Min 15 Typ. 330 2.9 16 Max -1.7 Unit V ns μC A V/ns