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2SC5810(TE12L,F) 双极晶体管
: 100 V
: 7 V
: 0.17 V
: + 150 C
双极晶体管 - 双极结型晶体管(BJT) Power Trans 100V 0.17V Vce 85ns
High-Speed Switching Applications DC-DC Converter Applications Strobe Applications 2SC5810
• High DC current gain: hFE = 400 to 1000 (IC = 0.1 A)
• Low collector-emitter saturation voltage: VCE (sat) = 0.17 V (max)
• High-speed switching: tf = 85 ns (typ.)
Characteristics Symbol Test Condition Min Typ. Max Unit Collector cut-off current ICBO VCB = 100 V, IE = 0 ― ― 100 nA Emitter cut-off current IEBO VEB = 7 V, IC = 0 ― ― 100 nA Collector-emitter breakdown voltage V (BR) CEO IC = 10 mA, IB = 0 50 ― ― V hFE (1) VCE = 2 V, IC = 0.1 A 400 ― 1000 DC current gain hFE (2) VCE = 2 V, IC = 0.3 A 200 ― ― Collector-emitter saturation voltage VCE (sat) IC = 300 mA, IB = 6 mA ― ― 0.17 V Base-emitter saturation voltage VBE (sat) IC = 300 mA, IB = 6 mA ― ― 1.10 V Collector output capacitance Cob VCB = 10 V, IE = 0, f = 1 MHz ― 5 ― pF Rise time tr ― 35 ⎯ Switching time Storage time tstg ― 680 ― Fall time tf See Figure 1. VCC ≈ 30 V, RL = 100 Ω IB1 = 10 mA,IB2 = 10 mA ― 85 ― ns
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C) 2SC5810
Characteristics Symbol Rating Unit Collector-base voltage VCBO 100 V VCEX 80 Collector-emitter voltage VCEO 50 V Emitter-base voltage VEBO 7 V DC IC 1.0 Collector current Pulse ICP 2.0 A Base current IB 0.1 A DC 2.0 Collector power dissipation t = 10 s PC (Note 1) 1.0 W Junction temperature Tj 150 °C Storage temperature range Tstg −55 to 150 °C