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: 194 kbit
: 3.2 Gb/s
: 1.045 V to 1.155 V
: 77 mA
: 0 ℃
: + 85 ℃
FPGA - 现场可编程门阵列 ECP5 FPGA 25K LUTs, 381 caBGA
General Description LFE5U-25F-8BG381C
The LFE5U-25F-8BG381C ECP5/ECP5-5G family of FPGA devices is optimized to deliver high performance features such as an enhanced DSP architecture, high speed SERDES (Serializer/Deserializer), and high speed source synchronous interfaces, in an economical FPGA fabric. This combination is achieved through advances in device architecture and the use of 40 nm technology making the devices suitable for high-volume, highspeed, and low-cost applications.
The ECP5/ECP5-5G device family covers look-up-table (LUT) capacity to 84K logic elements and supports up to 365 user I/Os. The ECP5/ECP5-5G device family also offers up to 156 18 x 18 multipliers and a wide range of parallel I/O standards.
Features LFE5U-25F-8BG381C
Higher Logic Density for Increased System Integration
12K to 84K LUTs
197 to 365 user programmable I/Os
Embedded SERDES
270 Mb/s, up to 3.2 Gb/s, SERDES interface (ECP5)
270 Mb/s, up to 5.0 Gb/s, SERDES interface (ECP5-5G)
Supports eDP in RDR (1.62 Gb/s) and HDR (2.7 Gb/s)
Up to four channels per device: PCI Express, Ethernet (1GbE, SGMII, XAUI), and CPRI