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P82B715TD,118 接口-信号缓冲器、中继器
400 kHz
250 ns
4.5 V to 12 V
- 40 C
85 C
接口-信号缓冲器、中继器 I2C BUS EXTENDER
I2C-bus extender
General description
The P82B715TD P82B715 is a bipolar IC intended for application in I2C-bus and derivative bus systems. While retaining all the operating modes and features of the I2C-bus it permits extension of the practical separation distance between components on the I2C-bus by buffering both the data (SDA) and the clock (SCL) lines.
Features P82B715TD
■ Dual, bidirectional, unity voltage gain buffer with no external directional control required
■ Compatible with I2C-bus and its derivatives SMBus, PMBus, DDC, etc.
■ Logic signal levels may include (but not exceed) both supply and ground
■ Logic signal input voltage levels are output without change and are independent of VCC
■ ×10 impedance transformation, but does not change logic voltage levels
Applications P82B715TD
■ Increase the total connected capacitance of an I2C-bus system to around 3000 pF
■ Drive I2C-bus signals over long cables to approximately 50 meters or 3000 pF
■ Drives ×10 lower impedance bus wiring for improved noise immunity
■ Multi-drop distribution of I2C-bus signals using low cost twisted-pair cables
■ AdvancedTCA radial IPMB architecture
■ Driving 30 mA Fm+ devices from standard 3 mA parts