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P82B96TD,118 缓冲器和线路驱动器
: Buffers & Line Drivers
: 2
: 2.5 V, 3.3 V, 5 V, 9 V, 12 V
: - 40 C
: + 85 C
Dual bidirectional bus buffer
General description
The P82B96TD P82B96 is a bipolar IC that creates a non-latching, bidirectional, logic interface
between the normal I2C-bus and a range of other bus configurations. It can interface
I2C-bus logic signals to similar buses having different voltage and current levels.
For example, it can interface to the 350 μA SMBus, to 3.3 V logic devices, and to 15 V
levels and/or low-impedance lines to improve noise immunity on longer bus lengths.
Applications P82B96TD
■ Interface between I2C-buses operating at different logic levels (for example, 5 V and
3 V or 15 V)
■ Interface between I2C-bus and SMBus (350 μA) standard
■ Simple conversion of I2C-bus SDA or SCL signals to multi-drop differential bus
hardware, for example, via compatible PCA82C250
■ Interfaces with opto-couplers to provide opto-isolation between I2C-bus nodes up to
400 kHz
Features P82B96TD
■ Bidirectional data transfer of I2C-bus signals
■ Isolates capacitance allowing 400 pF on Sx/Sy side and 4000 pF on Tx/Ty side
■ Tx/Ty outputs have 60 mA sink capability for driving low-impedance or high capacitive
■ 400 kHz operation over at least 20 meters of wire (see AN10148)
■ Supply voltage range of 2 V to 15 V with I2C-bus logic levels on Sx/Sy side
independent of supply voltage
■ Splits I2C-bus signal into pairs of forward/reverse Tx/Rx, Ty/Ry signals for interface
with opto-electrical isolators and similar devices that need unidirectional input and
output signal paths.