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BD9876AEFJ-E2 开关稳压器
: 1 Output
: 300 kHz
: - 40 C
: + 105 C
Flexible Step-down Switching Regulator with Built-in Power MOSFET
开关稳压器 Step-down Sw Reg w/Built-In Power FET
●Description BD9876AEFJ-E2
Output 3.0A and below High Efficiency Rate Step-down Switching Regulator Power MOSFET Internal Type BD9876EFJ mainly used as secondary side Power supply, for example from fixed Power supply of 12V, 24V etc, Step-down Output of 1.2V/1.8V/3.3V/5V, etc, can be produced. This IC has external Coil/Capacitor down-sizing through 300kHz Frequency operation, inside Nch-FET SW for 45V “withstand-pressure” commutation and also, high speed load response through Current Mode Control is a simple external setting phase compensation system, through a wide range external constant, a compact Power supply can be produced easily.
●Features BD9876AEFJ-E2
1) Internal 200 mΩ Nch MOSFET
2) Output Current 3A
3) Oscillation Frequency 300kHz
4) Synchronizes to External Clock ( 200kHz~500kHz )
5) Feedback Voltage 1.0V±1.0%
6) Internal Soft Start Function
7) Internal Over Current Protect Circuit, Low Input Error Prevention Circuit, Heat Protect Circuit
8) ON/OFF Control through EN Pin (Standby Current 0 A Typ.)
9) Package: HTSOP-J8 Package
●Applications BD9876AEFJ-E2
For Household machines in general that have 12V/24V Lines, etc.